Standing in a rather peculiar setting (the back garden of a charming
cottage on the outskirts of the village of Gweek), stands this exceptional,
pyramid shaped holed stone. It is the largest of its kind within
all of Cornwall and was moved to its current location in 1847
(strangely; the cottage was built after the megalith had been placed there).
These types of holed stones are shrouded in mystery, with their
original function unknown. They are generally thought to have been
part of the designs of larger megalithic complexes; possibly used as
passage entrances to chambers/portal dolmens. At The Tolvan Stones
original location, a stone-lined pit was discovered. It measured approx
five feet in diameter and contained granite slabs and small quartz
stones; which were covered over by a large slab of granite.
A popular myth associated with this particular holed stone is that
it guarantees fertility to newly weds; but this only works if they
can both manage to squeeze through the hole... naked!
2.3m HIGH BY 2.3m WIDE (at the base)
1 FOOT THICK (0.3m)